Sunday, 22 March 2009

We're the kids of America...well..not really..

Hello again,

I've been playing with papier mache today...reverting back to my childhood of course. I can't say what I made because it's a secret, but it shall be cool :-)

So, on the thought of being a child again, I felt the need to write a blog about it.

Today I went into early learning centre (one of my favourite shops) and bought some glue. Of the non-toxic variety I'm afraid, no glue sniffing antics going on here at the bungalow...tonight... Anyway, there was a child in there who actually wanted to leave to go to a clothes shop with her mum. Actually demanding to leave a shop full of fun. I find that kinda odd, but then again...I'd rather buy some fuzzy felts than a new t-shirt. Or a gameboy game instead of new jeans. Hence the tramp look. There's no "esque" about it.

I was trying to remember what things I used to make as a kid...I can't really remember much but I do remember making a "Jupiter" for my sisters science homework. Mainly because I like science, but I really really enjoy doing stuff that really doesn't help my learning. Oh the fun I had with chalk on that day...was prettiful :-)

As a child I was a big T.V lover. CITV being my favourite, but switching over for Blue Peter and Newsround. Saturday mornings were of course, live and kicking until SMTV came along. Oh Ant, Dec and Cat...such good times. Pokemon was a big highlight of course, along with C.H.U.M.S and Wonkey Donkey. How frustrated they would be when the kid was just so stupid. Hehe.

I had a pair of fisher price roller skates. I couldn't skate. But I tried, and tried...but nope. Never. I think (from memory) that's the first time I gave up on doing something. I'd like to be able to skate, it might improve my balance overall...and then finally I could go iceskating...but I just don't think it's for me. I'm happy walking rather than rolling to places. Perhaps I'll put it on next years resolutions list. Probably won't though..I'm quite good at failing and I kinda don't wanna break any bones.

Breaking bones! Yes, that's one thing that never happened to me. My sister broke her arm twice. Twice! That's just rude. I always wanted a cast so people could sign on it. She had a glow in the dark one...was just too cool for words. I had the tendency to just fall over and get grit in my knees...or hit my head often...but never a broken bone. I guess it's good really...

I miss being excited at things as much as I used to be. I think everyone does really...Christmas just really isn't the same anymore. Maybe when I have my own kids I will revert back to the long as I'm not cooking Lunch. Not looking forward to that.

What about food? For my birthday Sophie and Tim made me a lucky dip box, and one of the prizes was a pack of cheesestrings! I was never allowed them when I was younger, only had them when at other peoples houses...but wow. Then there was Sunny Delight - none of this "D" bullshit. Was so very bright orange/yellow...I consumed a lot of that stuff, usually on the way to school with Duncan. Turkey twizzlers before Jamie Oliver kicked up a fuss...they served those for school dinners. I liked those too..but I don't know why exactly. I think because they were all twirl like.

Since Woolworths has closed down, I really really miss sweets. It's just not the same going to the corner shop and buying a pack of wine gums...or if your lucky, pick n mix. *sighs*...though for a while I wouldn't go into the Woolworths in Putney (my local store) because of "Dicky". Just don't ask. He had lady fingers. *shudders*

I still live like a kid, and I probably will for a while. I don't have many responsibilities anyway so it's not like I'm a real adult. Thankfully. Don't wanna be one of those oldies just yet.

Being 21 hasn't made any impact on me so far. I'm glad I'm not a kid growing up at the moment. T.V just isn't the same and food is healthy. I wouldn't mind the clothes though, the hideous dresses I was put in as a child do make me think my mother was a narcissist.

Well, that's all for now folks. Tune in for another installment when I have some other crap to talk about :D

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