Friday, 1 May 2009


Ok, so whilst it's still in the news (Birdflu seemed to just disappear)...let's discuss Swine Flu.

Today whilst at Wetherspoons with Louise, she sited a woman wearing a face mask. I'd like to think that was something to do with this epidemic upon us. I also think it's hilarious, and I pretty much wanted to go outside and sneeze on her. Followed up by a quick oink, and a Mexican hat dance.

It's because I'm cool.

So, whats the big deal with Sflu? I've personally never seen a pig cough, so someone in Mexico has been snogging piggies of course. I also personally blame these peoples.

The normal, regular flu kills about 500,000 people a year around the world. I seriously do not see Sflu surpassing this number, especially since the media and Governments around the world are trying their very best to scaremonger and supply pamphlets. What shocks me the most is that the advice given to prevent Swine flu from spreading is IDENTICAL to what you should do to prevent the usual flu from infecting the nation. It's not hard to use a tissue and to wash your hands...and remember to do so. Jeese peeps, get a grip!

It frustrates me that people are so worried about it all. I can kinda understand the panic about bird flu since birds do migrate and can easily spread the disease across the world. I'm also sorry that people have died from it, but for people in London to be wearing a mask...gah, it's just plain ridiculous. Masks, as fashionable as they most obviously have become, DO NOT not help that much. If you wanted to sneeze, would you really sneeze into a mask that you will be wanting to wear for the rest of your breathing life? No, especially if snot'd take the mask off and sneeze freely. Also, you breathe air through the mask. Infected air that smells of bacon.

Stupid retards.

Oh and please remember this message kids, pigs can't fly, but when they do...I'll print off this blog and stuff it down my throat. Hopefully I'll cough it all up in your face, and speak fondly of my recent travels to Mexico. I'll lend you my sombrero too. It's made out of pigs lung.

Poor babe.

Peace out my little Pig-a-chus xoxo

1 comment:

Nemo said...

Masks? They're actually wearing masks in London?
Oh my...
It's amazing the extent this pandemic is turning into the ridiculous features of a social panic?
On the upside, at least now when i sneeze on a bus, I guarantee myself two seats for the effort of one...