Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Since term has now finished for me (well, there's a lecture on Thursday but...I don't care), I shall be returning back to London tomorrow evening. The thought of returning home always puts an inane grin on my face, which pleases me to no end.

Every time I leave the capital I question myself. I know that may seem a little rude on my Canterbury life, but I can't say I enjoy being in Canters very much. I only like it when I'm with friends, usually drinking. Perhaps if there wasn't a hill in the way, I'd be up on campus more often. I'm so very lazy and yes, a hill deters me.

Not looking forward to that whole parenting thing. Thankfully, that's a few years in the making.

Anyway, being here always makes me wonder what it would be like if I was studying in London...

Which university would I be attending? Well, due to A-level grades...probably nowhere. My second choice was QM, but I doubt they would have taken me..though it seemed my As grades didn't bother them...I suppose having overzealous teachers with their marvelous predicted grades helped quite a bit.

I'd definitely be poorer right now. That's a given. I'd probably be more of an alcoholic too. I wouldn't miss home and the people who live there...but I don't think I'd have as much time on my hands to make stuff.

Though even when I'm busy I always find time to do shit like that, it's what I do best. Procrastination queen.

I've made a few more trips to London this term than I have before. Since I have had a lot of spare time, I don't see why not. It's a shame I can't afford to do it more often, but I have discovered that the coach is at least half the cost of a train fare and the journey doesn't take any longer. A huge bonus! Why I didn't bother before I don't know..

In 10 weeks time I shall be truly free. Well, at least until September. A whole Summer to do whatever I please. Oh it shall be awesome. Another Summer of doing lots but achieving nothing. Sounds perfect.

I must remember to take lots more photos this year, even if it is of a bus or a passing freak. My memory needs to be full of science, not random events of a trip to Victoria...well, I lie. I'd rather remember stuff like that than the metabolism of a cell. Not until after my exams though ta. Must pass them!

I'm trying to conclude this but I really don't know how to...kinda gone off topic a little bit...

Ok, LONDON RULES. And if you don't agree with that, you're just jealous and I'm too awesome for words to care.

That will have to do.

Gnight kids xoxo

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